Emergency Transportation Provider Network (ETPN)

Emergency Transportation Provider Network

Emergency Transportation Provider Network Overview

The Emergency Transportation Provider Network (ETPN) is a project of the Regional Alliance for Resilient and Equitable Transportation (RARET). The goal of the ETPN is to increase the availability of transportation for special needs populations during adverse weather or emergencies by having a collective regional network of providers in Snohomish, King, and Pierce Counties. As such, we seek to formalize procedures and increase the predictability of transportation provider operations during heightened conditions . 

ETPN focuses on emergency events which often create time-sensitive environments where identifying and mobilizing transportation resources to serve the most vulnerable is challenging without preparation. Several factors contribute to this, including:

  • A lack of up-to-date knowledge of transportation provider capacity and capabilities
  • Providers often want to assist during emergencies but are not sure how to get involved
  • Lack of cross-sector situational awareness
  • End-users may not be connected with appropriate services in a timely manner

Addressing these concerns with a formalized network will mean the ad hoc transportation coordination during emergency responses will be replaced with a more coordinated and organized one. This will require an alliance of transportation providers, emergency managers, non-network providers, and government officials working together to coordinate on this effort. The result will be improved outcomes for end users in speed, availability, and accessibility of transportation services. 

ETPN Guiding Principles

ETPN is based on a series of core ideals which are foundational to build the network. A PDF of the document is available here

  1. Flexibility: With the support of RARET , partners within the network pledge to make a good faith effort to maximize their operational flexibility in times of emergency which may include increasing operations outside of their typical hours, service areas, or eligibility.
  2. Cross-sector Collaboration: ETPN partners are expected to work collaboratively to meet time sensitive needs during emergencies and to eliminate barriers between sectors such as transportation providers, emergency management, public health, human service providers, and more.
  3. Punctual Communication: Partners within this network will aim to communicate with others in a manner which enables rapid action as this is a vital component in an effective emergency response.
  4. Accessibility: is fundamental to serving those with access and functional needs and services will be optimized to best serve these needs during an emergency. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

  • What is ETPN?

    The Emergency Transportation Provider Network, commonly referred to by the acronym ETPN, is a project of the Regional Alliance for Resilient and Equitable Transportation (RARET). The goal of the ETPN is to increase the availability of transportation for special needs populations during adverse weather or emergencies by having a collective regional network of providers in Snohomish, King, and Pierce Counties. Through the ETPN’s efforts, stakeholders will have greater predictability in which providers will be operating during heightened conditions. ETPN partners aim to achieve this goal through operational flexibility, cross-sector collaboration, punctual communication, and accessibility. 

  • Who is supposed to be a part of ETPN?

    The backbone of ETPN are the transportation providers who can flexibly serve special needs populations during emergencies. Transportation providers are enabled by their fellow ETPN partners in other sectors who provide up-to-date information allowing providers to optimize their services to the particular landscape of a given disaster. These cross-sector partners within the network include representatives from emergency management, public health, non-profits, mobility management, human service agencies, and more. 

    The current Find A Ride Website is a passive search tool that allows users to search for options and be provided with contact information. The website does not include geographic maps that help users plan their trips. 

    In contrast, the One-Call/One-Click system will offer more individualized results. The system will include a complete trip planner where a rider can input their origin and destination for an upcoming trip, their preferences and accessibility requirements, enrollments, and other details. Using these features with One-Call/One-Click means the results a rider sees will be tailored to them. 

    The One-Call/One-Click system will integrate eligibility determination and ride requesting. Once you’ve found an option that works for you, you can request a ride in the very same place.

  • What are the “emergencies” that ETPN would be applied to?

    If an individual has an urgent, lifesaving need they should contact 911. 

    However, for regional issues like snow events, extreme cold weather, wildfires, heat waves, earthquakes, pandemics, flooding, etc. there are often elevated needs for life-sustaining transportation. This can include things like aiding with access to shelters, facilitating evacuations, and collaborating to ensure vital medical appointments like dialysis are not disrupted. ETPN simply helps aid in these transportation needs.

    ETPN is not equipped to provide emergency services such as ambulances and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs). 

    The scope for type of transportation trips may include, but is not limited to:

    • Essential medical appointments

    • Food access (grocery store, meal delivery, food bank delivery)

    • Shelter or transitional housing

    • Return home from a destination

    • Evacuation

    • Serving non-eligible clients (E.g., Medicaid Brokerage transporting non-Medicaid patients)

  • What is the difference between ETPN and services like EMS/Search & Rescue?

    ETPN aims to enhance the transportation response that can help ensure end users do not need to unnecessarily  contact emergency services. The providers involved will primarily be those which provide non-emergency resources (i.e., not those which transport clients to Emergency Rooms or engage in life-saving activities). The ideal that ETPN strives for is a regional landscape where no client has to solicit the services of organizations like search and rescue for transportation needs which could have been solved earlier with non-emergency providers.

  • What is RARET and why are they involved in ETPN?

    The Regional Alliance for Resilient and Equitable Transportation (RARET) is a coalition based within the Hopelink Mobility Management team. RARET’s mission is to increase the life-sustaining transportation services available to seniors, people with disabilities, low-income individuals, and other vulnerable populations in the event of a major emergency in the Central Puget Sound region (Snohomish, King, & Pierce Counties). ETPN has been a long-term goal for RARET as the coalition sees this formalized network as the logical next step in providing a coordinated response to transportation challenges during emergencies and better serving those with access and functional needs.

  • Where does ETPN operate?

    ETPN operates in the same tri-county area as the Regional Alliance for Resilient and Equitable Transportation (RARET) which is all of Snohomish, King, and Pierce Counties. RARET’s contacts and situational awareness is best suited within this region, and, at the moment, there is not capacity for geographical expansion.

  • When does ETPN operate?

    The ETPN has not yet been officially formalized so we are still working through developing plans and procedures in order to effectively coordinate ETPN trip requests. RARET will coordinate ETPN type trip requests as best possible but on an ad-hoc basis. There are no guarantees for coordinating or fulfilling ETPN trip requests at this time. 

  • How do I join the ETPN?

    RARET is working on finalizing plans and procedures to formalize the ETPN. To get connected and discuss next steps please contact Dean Sydnor at DSydnor@hopelink.org or 425-429-5995. 

How to Get Involved with ETPN:
The ETPN Advisory Committee is not currently meeting but project updates are regularly discussed at RARET’s bi-monthly workgroup meetings. If you would like to get more involved with this project please contact Dean  Sydnor at DSydnor@hopelink.org or 425-429-5995. 

Latest ETPN Documents:
As the ETPN work progresses this webpage will be the one place to hear the latest news and updates. Below is a list of helpful documents to reference.

  • Guiding Principles: PDF of the Guiding Principles found on this page with additional explanations.
  • ETPN FAQ: The PDF of the FAQ found on this page
  • ETPN Summit Notes: This launch event was held on June 24th, 2022 with the support of the National Center for Mobility Management. At this event, participants engaged in discussions and helped craft the initial phase of ETPN development.

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